Thursday, July 28, 2011

What's a Pahlavan?

The response to our blog has been overwhelming. Our thanks for all the support! However, some people were a bit puzzled as to 1) what Pahlavans are, and 2) what it exactly is that we, the Pahlavan Brothers, aim to achieve.

The first question is easy to answer: Originally the Pahlavans were men who practiced the Persian "traditional sports". Gathering in gymnasiums called Zourkhanehs (Power-Houses) they would work out with clubs and other weights and wrestle while other athletes sang about old heroes to inspire sportsmanship and honourful and heroic deeds. (for more info go to the wikipage)

The second question is a bit harder to answer. Since yesterday we, the Pahlavan brothers, are claiming our Pahlavan-ness. This means aspiring to physical and mental greatness. You will not find us in a traditional Zourkhaneh. Rather, as 21st century Pahlavans, we believe the world is one big Zourkhaneh. From this day onward, you will find us doing push ups on sidewalks, shadowboxing in the parks, and meditating on the poetic beauty of a wilting flower on the mountaintops.

In fact, we believe we are joining a worldwide re-awakening of the Pahlavan spirit. Evidence of this can be found on the internet. Witness this boy. Bullied daily, until he found his inner Pahlavan. You can rest assured, he will not be messed with again:

Even nature has its Pahlavans. Behold the Honeybadger. Honeybadger don't care. He don't give a shit. He's a Pahlavan!

Somewhere between the path of the bullied boy and the the honeybadger lies the path of the Pahlavan Brothers. Wish us well. Leave us your comments in the comment section.


  1. oooh, look at that, what is that nasty badger dooooing ;)
    That is a pahlavan if there ever was one!
    Is there a special pahlavan battle cry that I can use in the tram against agressive passengers?

  2. Poisonous snakes can't bite you if they don't have a head.

    My new catchphrase.

  3. you know what's Funny?
    Pahlavan is a word we Mollucans have too!
    though it's written like this "Pahlawan"
    and every year on the 15th of may we have Hari Pahlawan Pattimura.
    that day was to honor a movement independence fighters, also they were true Guerilla warriors.
